Thursday, August 19, 2010

Before You Start Your Own Business

By Cesar Fasano

It has been said before that the Entrepreneurial bug can't be beaten. Along the history of very successful entrepreneurs, you can hear all kind of crazy histories...

...For example, Henry Ford was often accused of fooling everyone. His accusers always said that he couldn't answer their questions about the technical part of Ford cars. He refused to. Instead he would call his engineers and technicians to answer these questions FOR him.

As a matter of fact, he's been quoted saying: "Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is probably the reason why so few engage in it."

But, what about YOU?

While you might have heard this already, there's a critical fact that you deserve to know before starting your own thing: this game ain't easy. It's simple.

You see, a business is nothing more that a reflection of the person behind it. Yeah...YOU.

That's probably the main reason why so many businesses (online or not) fail nowadays...I'm sure that most business owners are NOT aware of this fact. They just don't care.

It looks like most are too busy paying attention to other things like the latest technology available, the last taxes law that might affect their income or that last marketing strategy that is bringing results to their competition.

And the list goes on...

Now, don't get me wrong. I personally invest a significant amount of time to study new trends and technologies available for my business. But, I know that's not the most important thing.

My mindset and my willingness to serve others is...

The truth is that I've seen many businesses with some of this resources in place, but with a bad service.

I'm pretty sure that's the kind of thing that happens when you are NOT 101% focused on serving others.

Yes...It happens when you are ONLY focused on making money and when you no longer care about yourself and your mission in this planet.

So, in the space of these philosophies...let me ask you: What are you focused on? If you start a business...Will you be willing to serve others without want?

I believe these questions have very simple answers. As stated above, it all comes down to who you are and how much value you bring to this world.

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Cesar Fasano is an Internet Marketing "Wizard". To see what else is on his mind and how you can benefit from it, be sure to visit his blog by clicking on his name

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