Friday, August 22, 2014

Young Millionaires: How These Entrepreneurs Under 30 Are Changing the World

Young people today don't just sit around and think about changing the world to suit their purposes--they do it. They may be inexperienced, but they're fearless when it comes to tackling long-stagnant business models and technologies with fresh new approaches-- ones that align with their internet upbringing and their expectation that commodities and information be transparent and easily shared. What might seem naive or reckless to the old-school regime is simply business as usual to big-dreaming upstarts who've been raised on the belief that they can accomplish anything they set their minds to.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

5 Things Successful Entrepreneurs Do Daily

There is a saying that there are only three types of people in the world: those who watch what happened, those who wonder what happened and those who make things happen.

Entrepreneurs fall into the last category, of course. They are change agents, people who don't see the world as it is but as it could be. Entrepreneurs don't sit on the sidelines and wish for a better world. Rather they go out and create it. They don't wait for things to be different. They are the difference.

Don't Just Start a Business, Solve A Problem

As long as consumers have problems, they will always search for solutions. People will always look for better, faster and smarter ways to accomplish everyday tasks. And fortunately for entrepreneurs, there are still lots of rooms for improvements in existing products. That said, the biggest issue for most founders is finding these painful problems and matching them with the best solutions possible.

Here are a couple pieces of insight to get you started.

Friday, August 1, 2014

5 Essential Reads for Startup Entrepreneurs

For entrepreneurs to stay afloat in the startup world, they have to be able to learn on the fly. Otherwise, they will just sink.

While I believe the best lessons come from actual experience, founders can also learn a great deal from listening to experienced entrepreneurs, talking to mentors and simply picking up a book.

Here are a handful of reads I’ve found that perfectly encapsulate the woes of scaling a business and provide a great blueprint for helping founders through certain startup phases.

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