Thursday, July 17, 2014

The 7 Elements Investors Look for in Your Funding Pitch

Q: How can we work to land a successful investment?

-- Shaba Shams

Here’s the short answer: start with a great pitch deck. The pitch deck is arguably the most important single document you will generate in the life of your company. It is the opening salvo and “the hook” by which you will (or will not) capture the attention and imagination of a potential investor.

5 Warning Signs a Startup Is a Bad Investment

A company that’s not growing is dying. This is an unpleasant reality that comes with the capitalist system, and it’s especially harsh for smaller or newer companies. Between concerns over debt, resource acquisition and client maintenance, plenty can go horrifically wrong. It’s no wonder that 80% of small businesses fail.

2 Sure Ways to Tell Whether Your Startup Can Win, If You Avert Clouded Judgment

When the head of a new venture sets sights on a fresh market opportunity, success is hardly guaranteed. But most entrepreneurs have thick skins, a strong belief in themselves and an overpowering vision.

The question is whether they can listen to reason and be talked out of moving into a market that they might have scarcely a chance of winning. The two key questions that entrepreneurs must ask themselves are the following:

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