Monday, February 17, 2014

8 Ways to Make Reporters Fall In Love With Your Startup

Much has been written about the strained relationship between reporters and PR practitioners, so the question is: How can we show reporters we love them and, in turn, help them fall in love with us?

Here are some ways to make them feel special:

Entrepreneurs: Your Irrational Optimism Is Necessary

Research confirms what feels intuitive; entrepreneurs are an optimistic group, afflicted with the 'optimism bias,' a tendency to view the glass as half full backed by the belief that negative events are what happens to other people.

This is particularly true, one study found, of serial entrepreneurs, those bootstrapping men and women who we celebrate for persevering in the face of multiple failures. The more times you step up to bat, of course, the greater the likelihood that you'll hit a home run. But most of us aren't wired that way. We strike out, so we decide that maybe baseball isn't for us after all. It's a reasonable, rational response: we learn from our dismal performance, and are no longer as optimistic about our baseball abilities.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Business Lessons We Can Learn From “The Wolf Of Wall Street”

Both the book and the movie “The Wolf of Wall Street” contain many crazy, entertaining, and decadent stories. But beneath all the debauchery there are a number of key lessons for you to learn from the success of Jordan Belfort and Stratton Oakmont.

Read on for some great insight into this motivated business man that will show you how Jordan Belfort was able to build a super pumped organization before it all came tumbling down.

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